Every day we have dozens of offers for cereal and rapeseed from Poland and the world.
In our database we have a wide range of customers – from producers to the largest global companies.
Our experienced team of traders and execution is waiting for you.
Office PL: +48 58 573 51 61 info@bstbrokers.pl

BST BROKERS is an intermediary in the trade of cereals and oilseeds, on the Polish and European market. Thanks to the experienced team, we can provide professional, efficient service and negotiate the best prices and contract terms for customers.
We offer an individual approach to each customer, active support in expanding the base of contractors, as well as a wide range of current market information.
We offer the best prices on the market with collection from the customer or with delivery to factories and ports in Poland and Europe.
Our offer is addressed both to agricultural producers, producers and trading companies.
We specialize in grains and feed grains as well as rapeseed.

Contact us
BST Brokers sp. z o.o. sp. k.
ul. Plac Porozumienia Gdańskiego 1 lok. 019
80-864 Gdańsk
NIP: 5833214644
KRS: 0000635996
REGON: 365355810